
Sunday 12 April 2020

God is NEVER wrong

Posted by Winda Permata Sari at 05:50
It has been so long time I didn't share anything from this blog. But through all my process in following Jesus, now I can trully say thank you to Jesus. When I see this blog again, I remember all the memories that I have been through with Jesus.

Nowadays, my life in following Jesus is not as smooth as what I always expect. It's not like what I wished 8 years ago. But from the storms that I face, now I can see His Mighty Hands who help me so much. And this makes my faith become stronger and stronger.

Do we say God is good because all that we expect come true? Do we say that we are blessed when our dream come true?
If you think so friends, you won't know the trully Jesus is.
Because what we think is not always the best. And we know nothing.

Even the Bible say in James 4:14 (NET)
"You don't know about tomorrow. What is your life like? For you are a puff of smoke that appears for a short time and then vanishes."

We even don't know about tomorrow. How can we know that our perspective is better than God's perspective?

Having trouble in life will not make my God become powerless! He is still God of my life. And He is always good. So instead of judging God's doing mistake, I choose to decide to lay it all down in His hands.

And yeah... As always I will see His hands will overcome all the troubles and set me free. I will understand the parts that I can't see now.

Keep up your spirit, friends! We can do it! We are never alone!


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